Saturday, 28 November 2015

28th November 1915 (Sunday)

Very severely cold.  Played in Fr Mil Aux Hosp in afternoon and for 1 hour after at the house of M.  Baillet, wine merchant.

Friday, 27 November 2015

27th November 1915

Went to Y.M.C.A. hut at 6 pm with Capt Lesage, listened to the Pierros for 10 mins and then Petit Corporal gave a couple of solos which were received with great enthusiasm. At 8 pm went for practice at Mme Baillet's for one and a half hours.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

25th November 1915

Practice for theatre concert 19 December with 4 violins, 2 flutes, 1 clarion, 1 trombone, 1 cornet, 2 cellos , 1 piano and 1 mandolin at a house in town.

Monday, 23 November 2015

23rd November 1915

Our concert party met with an excellent reception at the hands of the A.S.C. 9th Reserve Park who are billeted in an old chateau set in the midst of a large wood.  Le Petit Corporal received an ovation with his 'Reverie" by Schuman and 'Ave Maria' by Gunod on his violin.  My exhibition of sword swinging was well received.  Morris recited 'The One Legged Goose' and 'Comrade Jim' - Ditchman accompanied on piano excellently.  Hopgood on the one-stringed fiddle was also received with great enthusiasm, whilst Hardy made perfect time with the side drum. We came home packed on a motor lorry and all singing.