Saturday, 28 March 2015

28th March 1915 

Visit Capt. Campbell.  Received letters from Emilie, Albert, Warren and Polly Mae.

Friday, 27 March 2015

27th March 1915

Severe cold in head.  Stop in room.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

26th March 1915

Football match with 14 General Hosp.  Result ..... (not given, presumably lost!)
Hard that it was intended to take Lille on the same day as Neuve Chapelle but 2 ammunition columns did not turn up as required. 40,000 troops said to be arriving.
13 general Hospitals of 1040 beds each to be placed between here and Calais. (Did not happen).
Severe cold.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

24th March 2015

Daffodil bed completed, cactus placed in urn.
Transfers to England from 1st Nov14 to 28th Feb 15: sick 726, wounded 420, total 1146.  From 1st to 25th March: sick 93, wounded 267, total 360.

Monday, 23 March 2015

23rd March 1915

Had massage on knees by Pte. West, Cpl Wilkinson.
Saw farmer's wife re. field required for 200 more beds. Also saw farmer who was infantryman in the French Army, but was was in train collision and lost his right arm and injured knee.
Received a large urn from Monsieur Parenty which does splendidly for Cente bed.  Casualties 746 Officers (British) in 9 days. Convoy 30.