Saturday, 14 November 2015

14th November 1915  (Sunday)

2pm visit with Cpl Lesage, French Military Auxilliary Hosp.  A concert was given. Several French soldiers sang, also Frenchman with very good voice  (Tall with jet black beard, works in P.O.), Orchestra (Ahem!), two cellos, one violin and a piano.  Arrange to bring mandolin next Sunday and to practice on Saturday at 8pm.  Mme Baillet plays piano splendidly, so does her brother the violin.  Had some wine at the C. Neuville Circle and met another mandolin player.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

10th November 1915

Orders received from Major Steele to proceed to No.1 Stat Hosp Rouen.  Major Meadows becomes O.C. No. 2 Hosp and S.M.O.

Monday, 9 November 2015

9th November 1915

Had an early morning walk and run.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

8th November 1915

See good football in which our team beats A.S.C. in league match. A good game.