Saturday, 18 April 2015

18th April 1915 (Sunday)

Visit Le Portel 6 am.  Tide far out, visited old fort, assisted in collecting mussels consigned to Paris.  Splendid sunny morning.  went to town in afternoon, saw 2 AA guns mounted on hill, Outreau side.  R.C. Chaplain reported seeing a Zeppass over the sea.  Probably Allies (French).  Pte Davy saw cruiser steaming rapidly.  1 Hr French lesson in town.  Massage continued.
11 pm. convoy of 18 wounded arrives.

Friday, 17 April 2015

17th April 1915

Practice mandolin with Pte Duffield with flute.  Weather very nice.  Continue massage. Convoy 12.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

16th April 1915

Play mandolin with Pte Duffield (8am. 1 hr) who played the flute. Placed mignonette in large bed.  Practice 5.15 with singers etc. for concert. Continue massage.  Convoys at 2 am. and 11.30 pm, total 60.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

15th April 1915

Borrowed mandolin.  Had a most enjoyable walk round the country via lighthouse and fort to Le Portel, along jetty, over the sand and rocks to the old fort.  Collected some starfish and returned via fields and road, bright sunshine, distance 6-7 miles.  Dressed a badly cut finger for a French girl with First Field Dressing.
French lesson bunk one and a half hours.
Practice with mandolin, piano and singer 7 to 9.  Continue massage.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

14th April 1915

Match at Conv Depot and tea.  French lesson 1 hr at C.S.C. Tom Thumb nasturtiums placed in beds.

Monday, 13 April 2015

13th April 1915

Wet day.  Send starfish to Willie.  French lesson mr D. in bunk one and a half hours. Walked to Le P with Mr Dendieval.  Continue massage.  Convoy 42

Sunday, 12 April 2015

12th April 1915

Walk 6.15 am, I hr 40 mins. Lesson of French at C.S.C. 1 hr. Walk back with M. D.
Wet day but fine in the evening.  Convoy 2.