Saturday, 11 April 2015

11th April 1915 (Sunday)

Met M. Pierre Dendieval (Advocat, 47 Rue de la Marine, Le Portel and 21 Rue Keil Abruvoir, Roubaix) at 3 pm.  C.S.C. (Catholic Soldiers Club) and had 2 hrs French lesson.

Friday, 10 April 2015

10th April 1915

6am. Le Portel with Bugler Joy, time one and a half hours.  Went along jetty, sea washed over it directly after we had returned.  Rugby match at Wimereux, Parc des Sports.  Arrange with M. Dendievel.  Continue massage twice daily.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

9th April 1915

Went for walk 1 hr to Le Portel with Austin.  No boats go fishing, sea very rough.  Placed 12 marguerites in beds.  A beautiful cyclamen given to me.  Continue massage. Attend 6 Rue de la Lampe, result nil.  Convoy 76.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

8th April 1915

Sweet peas placed in small pots in greenhouse.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

7th April 1915

Continue massage. Attend concert at Conv. Camp.  "His Excellency the Governor" which was most excellently well rendered.  A French string band gave delightful music.
Convoy 40.

Monday, 6 April 2015

6th April 1915

Left after 6 am. parade with Bugler Gogerty, visit Le Portel and assist in hauling fishing smacks over the sand to be launched.  Planks covered with soft soap are placed at intervals and the boat is hauled over these.  The wives and children turn out and give most effective help, carrying heavy loads in baskets of netting, weights, planks etc. and lend a hand in hauling on the rope.  It was great fun helping and and we saw our boat get away first.  Convoy 16.

Sunday, 5 April 2015

5th April 1915

left after 6 am. parade. Visit Le Portel and saw fishing fishers launch boats and put to sea.  The wives and children turn out to assist, carrying buckets of netting, weights, planks for slipping the boat down the beach over the sands to the sea.  Very wet day.  Convoy 32