Saturday, 25 October 2014

25th October 1914 (Sunday)

A good deal of wine is drunk in the Cafes also Cognac etc. Most of the wines are light and most of the Cafes have crowds of people sitting outside around small round tables. Visited one in company of, Sgt Major Steele 1st Dorset Rgt and we sat in the kitchen and had toasted chestnuts. One of the boys brought his violin.

Amusing to watch the people buying hats and the working girls through the window of a bonnet shop.

Friday, 24 October 2014

24th October 1914 
During the week I paid visits to a Chemist's shop. The two were very kind and I had a good look round the shop and read a few prescriptions which I translated into English and explained the weights etc. The French use solutions in %, ie metric system, a much simpler method than the one we use. A remarkable thing is that no toilet or photographic requisites are sold but only dispensing is carried out. They offered me some Spanish wine which certainly was very nice as was also the manner they toasted “Vive L’Angleterre”.

Visited a Barber and had my haircut, ½ franc. Le Capitaine was being shaved. The place was well furnished, upholstered sofas and chairs and papers on table. The convolutions of, the barbers were most elaborate, very precise and effective. Too effeminate for my taste. A very wet evening.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

23rd October 1914
P.C. sent to May, ditto Emma. Visited Sgt Dodd at No. 3 General Hospital and played him at chess. Met Copt Glover who read me on extract from a letter received from his daughter! "Am making warm garments for a Belgian family living near. The little boy has both his hands cut off at the wrists by Germans."

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

22nd October 1914

Received letters from Lena, ditto Post Card from Emma.  Lena writes that she read of Sgt Embelin being reported missing also a lot of Ptes.  Letters sent to Lena (asked for ribbons and photo), Ada and P.C.s to Emma and Albert.  (Lena letter had P.C. of St Naziare). Rained during night but today has been bright and warm, continuous sunshine.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

21st October 1914

Mat a Sgt of the Camerons who was one of the Company to go up to Fashoda (Sudan), named McKenzie. Made out 1810 (?) and memos to Regimental Paymaster, Aldershot and to O.C.  R.A.M.C. Details.  General HQ, 3rd Echelon.

Monday, 20 October 2014

20th October 1914

Saw corps Orders at No.12 with news of my promotion on 12.10.14 (to Warrant Officer 1st Class), and that of S.Sgt Griffiths to Qu M Sgt. (Tunnicliffe to Cpl).
Letter to Lena, ditto to Albert.  relieved letters from Ada (sister) dated 15th and Albert dated 15th.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

19th October 1914

Fine morning, bright but cool.  Went to town in the evening and bought a few things in the Bazaar.  Letter to Lena.