Saturday, 8 November 2014

8th November 1914 (Sunday)

LE MANS 8.20 am, ALENCON 12 noon, scenery beautiful SEES 1 pm, church (or cathedral) with two spires, very beautiful, SURDON, ARGENTAN 1.20 pm, large town, fine churches etc, LIS1EUX 4 pm, large town, had a pleasant chat with the French Red Cross ladies, dictionary to our aid. The autumnal tints of glorious colour on trees and hedges were superb. We passed numerous apple orchards full of fruit. Sacks full of apples collected for cider etc and huge mounds, ROUEN 11 pm and LE HAVRE 3 am.

Friday, 7 November 2014

7th November 1914

Pack up place, cart on wagon.  Sent kits to station.  Leave camp 6 pm, entrain 8 pm.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

6th November 1914

Visited old camp with Capt Houston and Sgt Russel,  fine morning.  Look on football match in afternoon and take a walk along the sea front before tea and another walk after tea.  Very fine day.  Sent P.C. to Arthur.

SAINT NAZAIRE:  26th September to 7th November 1914, 6 weeks convalescence ends.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

5th November 1914

Ready to move off to LE HAVRE but have had orders to stand by for 12 hrs.  Fine day.  Met a soldier of 147 French Infantry and had a long chat.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

4th Novemeber 1914

Visit No.1 Conv Camp.  Staff left for .....  Received letter from Arthur.  Sent P.C. to Ada and Emma, letter to Lena.

Monday, 3 November 2014

3rd November 1914

Slept very well,  eye still inflamed.  Box and letters sent to Lena.  Letter to Albert.  Letter from Lena, ditto Emma and papers.  Had a headache most of the day.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

2nd November 1914

Related to me by Capt Houston how Colonel Dalton was killed by shock, a shell exploding beneath his legs, though nothing of it struck him.  2pm instruct Brigade R.F.A. in First Field Dressing.  Very wet all day except morning. Met a gunner R.F.C. who was in 32 Bt in Cairo.  Had a chat about Cairo etc. Had a long conversation with Captain Houston about Dublin.  Ramsey gave me present of French paperweight. Had a long talk, read diary etc. Received letter from Ada.