Saturday 25 April 2015

25th April 1915  (Sunday)

Wounded still arriving.  walk to Le Portel in the evening.  Convoys total 149.

Friday 24 April 2015

24th April 1915

Wounded still arriving.  French lesson at 5.30 pm.  Germans said to have broken the line north of Ypres, through trenches occupied by French columns.  Cavalry support.

Thursday 23 April 2015

23rd April 1915

Visit Le Portel 6 am, bright sunny morning.  Sent letter to Emilie 3 pm.
 Convoy at 11pm. 82

Wednesday 22 April 2015

22nd April 1915

Splendid weather.  Walk to Le Portel with Mr D.  Germans first use Gas bombs on Western Front. Convoy 13

Tuesday 21 April 2015

21st April 1915

Sent special letter to Lena.  Convoy arrive 12 midnight 45., nothing special to note.  Place convolulous, sweet pea and nasturtiums in long bed by front railing.  Continue massage.  French lesson 1 hr.

Monday 20 April 2015

20th April 1915

Fine day.  French lesson in the evening Mr D. and at 8pm. at the house of the Cafe des Fleurs.  Massage. Received letter from Emilie.  Convoy 51

Sunday 19 April 2015

19th April 1915

Convoys continue to arrive until 4 am. 77 wounded from around Ypres.  Concert held in store tent around 6 pm.  Mr Howard greatly amused us with humorous recital.  Miss Armstrong extra special on the violin.  Our men sung fairly well, especially Pte Wilson and Pte Davy.  I played the mandolin with Pte Duffield on the flute, "Alice where sat thou?" and 'Marguerite".   Taking it all round the concert was very successful.  Convoy 61