Monday 9 March 2015

9th March 1915

 Saw gardener and bought plants, seeds etc Extract from a letter to Arthur, "One of the bright sides of the picture now up before the World’s view is the awakening of so many men and women to their responsibilities as citizens and as units of a Nation. Many a slacker has been stirred from somnolence, many weedy youths are casting their cigarettes to take up the rifle, casting slothful habits to take up the benefits to be received from discipline and drill. Many from the factory, the desk, the workshop, the sweater's den, on whom has hovered the horrible doom of tuberculosis or the cheerlessness and monotony of, incessant toil in order that they may be permitted to exist, have for a time cast these bonds, because to their depths has descended the clarion's call, ‘Your Country Needs You', and because they have heard this call and have answered it, they are just finding there is a need for them in the World, their poor hearts are stirred at the thought, their minds take up new interests, they feel themselves as men and not as slaves, their bodies grow stronger and they say to themselves, ‘If I come out of this I will strive to improve my position in life when I return.”
Convoy 18. (This is assumed to mean that road convoys brought in a total of 18 wounded that day. Similar cryptic notes appear hereafter.)


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