Saturday 24 January 2015

24th Jan 1914 (Sunday)

Went to dinner at Etzenspergers, played hymns and Xmas carols on piano.  Stopped to tea and supper. Very enjoyable time indeed.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Tuesday 20 January 2015

20th Jan 1915

Visit Etzenspergers.  Gave Jess a Scots Guards Thistle and Emilie a metal Crown.  They seemed very pleased. Played Emilie at games of Go Bang, had a very nice supper and afterwards whist with Mr and Mrs ad Miss J.  Very wet night.  Had a severe headache and rheumatism pains slightly.

Monday 19 January 2015

19th Jan 1915

Walked to Post Office and obtained Lena's letter as it was going through the sorter's hands.  Also six papers.  Visited No. 6 Stat Hosp.and obtained 4 letters:  Ada, Arthur and 2 from Lena.
Zeppelin raid on England at 8.30 pm.  3 bombs dropped on Great Yarmouth, 4 bombs on Sheringham.

Sunday 18 January 2015

18th Jan 1915

Letter to Lena.  Visit Etzenspergers.  Had a game of whist after supper.