Saturday 21 March 2015

21st March 1915  (Sunday)

Visited Le Portel and spent afternoon by the sea.  Bright and sunny.  Saw hospital ship come in.  Met Belgian medical student and went home to tea.  Received a lot of daffodils from Sister Sym.... Convoy 32.

Friday 20 March 2015

20th March 1915

4 P.C.s to Lena, Will, Harry, Eddie.  Convoy 32.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Wednesday 18 March 2015

18th March 1915

Read total casualties for one week amongst Officers totals over 300 at Neuve Chapelle.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

17th March 2015

Letter found in the effects of Pte J. Hawkesworth, 2nd Yorks, "Going to make a charge tomorrow, if anything happens look after the little kids, going with a good heart. Goodbye, your loving husband Jack".   Hawkesworth died at No. 2 Stationary Hospital 16.3.15 G.S.W. Head (Gunshot wound to head?)

Monday 16 March 2015

22nd March 1915

Knees examined by Capt Page and Lt Gibson. Apparently rheumatoid arthritis.  Received 5 francs from Chaplain towards garden.  Convoy 1.
16th March 1915

Very severe headache. Helped W... to make a statement re charge of bigamy.  No convoys arrived. 61 A, 9 B to SS Valdiva for home.

Sunday 15 March 2015

15th March 1915

229 in hospital.  Bad headache.  Received 5 francs for garden from Sister.  Convoys 69.